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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Today I finished drawing up the circuit sections for the tube amplifier that I intend to build. From this, a part list shall be made, and parts acquired. I ran some quick simulations of the preamp...

I successfully modeled a simple center tapped output transformer as well as the reverb driver transformer; based on the LTSpice manual, and examples on the web. The modeling created represents a simple, ideal transformer model. There are many parameters (beyond the scope of this class, i.e. engineering degree work) that should be considered if a true representation of a transformer is desired/required.

I also reinforced some electronics theory while working today:

Impedance ratio vs. Voltage/Turns ratio

Ratio(Z) = [Ratio(turns)] * [Ratio(turns)]

The output transformer I intend to use is rated (not verified) for 7.5k:8 OHMS.
The voltage/turns ratio is calculated as such:

That is, the turns ratio is 30.619 : 1

I don't know if I will have time to spec out the output transformer, but it would be interesting to document the parameters of the transformer, and compare actual performance versus simulated performance. I should at least make sure the transformer is "good" and splice longer leads to the main connections inside the bell housing.

Next step: spreadsheet list of components and finding/ordering parts.

1PM-3:45PM, 8PM-11:30PM (6.25HRS)

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